Critical Thinking: Growing role of hyper-scale cloud platforms in enterprise IT raises big questions about the open-source data center project’s long-term mission.
The use of AI, or artificial intelligence, in the medical field is an emerging trend that promises exponential advances in the way we diagnose and treat a multitude of health conditions. Advances in the application of medical AI technology are occurring at a lightning pace, with new developments rendering prior solutions obsolete in a matter of months.
In the second episode of our new podcast Found, our guest is Brie Code. Code is the founder and CEO of TRU LUV, a startup based out of Toronto that has its roots in the game industry but is taking a radically different approach to designing interactive experiences based on a historically overlooked motivating paradigm called "tend-and-befriend," an alternative to the "fight-or-flight" response aimed at by most AAA game studios.